Next Meeting Friday, January 18th
This post formally announces the next FridayNightThing. It is planned for January 18th around 8pm. The setting is tentatively planned for RIT, but that may change. As soon as plans are solidified I will post. Please plan to help with setup at 8pm if you can. Also, consider bringing a refreshment if you are so inclined.
I’d like the format for this session to be more inclusive, drawing more on live instrumental and vocal improvisation. However, I would also like to throw out the idea of having a “mantra” or shared material which those participating in the live coding should incorporate (in some way) into their work. This shared material could be as simple as a short sound sample, or of a more conceptual nature such as an idea or “feel”. Let me know if you have ideas.
On a separate matter, I would like to hear from you if you are interested in possibly playing A) a gallery show, or B) Boulder Coffee Co. I’ve been putting out feelers with several locations and there seems to be positive receptivity. However, with something like a gallery show, we would probably want a little more “organization” than we typically have. Let me know what you think.