Posts Tagged ‘computer’
Running A University Linux-based Audio Lab: Part 3 — Software Installation in Detail
In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series I introduced Linux as a viable operating system for a university music and audio programming lab and described in some detail Linux audio configuration for low-latency audio applications. In this part I will walk through *most* of our post-install script in some detail so you have a better picture of the necessary configuration required. But first…
Read MoreRunning A University Linux-based Audio Lab: Part 2 — Linux Audio
“Running a Linux Audio Lab was fun, he said! You should try it, he said! He didn’t say anything about ALSA and JACK and Pulseaudio! Aaaaaah!” -Horrified individual the first time they try to get low-latency audio working in Linux with an Ubuntu base. To be clear, in Part I of this series I never…
Read MoreMusic V: Back to the Future
In 1969 Max Mathews published The Technology of Computer Music in which he provides a primer to digital sound and synthesis, describes the function of a computer music program, and provides a manual to the language he was describing, namely MUSIC V. It was to be the last MUSIC-N language he would write, and was…
Read MoreNew SuperCollider on (x)Ubuntu
My page on installing SC3.x on Ubuntu has been a popular page here at Because it was written 3+ years ago, and more importantly, because so much changed with the SC3.6 update I felt compelled to write up another tut. This time I’m installed 3.6.x on Xubuntu 13.10. The flavor of Ubuntu you choose…
Read MoreAural Assault?!?
Hello all! Many apologies for my long absence – life happend between February and now and it sort of kicked my butt a little. By way of an apology, I would like to offer you a link to a new project I am doing: 375 Aural Assaults! You can check out the page for the…
Read MoreRaspberry Pi: first impressions
Getting the Pi Baked I got my Raspberry Pi in the mail yesterday — a long anticipated event. My excitement was slightly deflated when I realized I didn’t have anything I actually needed to make the damn thing run: micro USB for power, an hdmi-dvi adapter so I could actually see and control it, and…
Read MoreIBeam Laser Show (2011)
It has been almost five months since MuCo performed for the 2nd time at Ibeam and for one reason or another the recording has sadly sat neglected on a hard drive since then. I finally dug it out, mixed the tracks together (output of kane + scacinto) and here it is for your listening pleasure.…
Read MoreFNT III: The 68k Classic Clash
March 25th Be the first on your block to write a song for the Macintosh Classic II!!! Learn Super Studio Session!!! Have your music performed in public!!! Get your hands on a clicky single-button mouse!!! Drink beer!!! Bolster your geek cred!!! The keyboard!!! Whoa!!! If you want all of the above I guarantee there is…
Read MoreHoliday Jankotunes (Kidtunes) Sample Pack!!!
In the spirit of the holiday season, and to show all of you our fans how much you mean to us, El MuCo is giving away this free sample pack of Jankotunes magic! Many hours of toilsome labour went into editing this massive sample pack (over 32 samples!!!) for your artistic edification and pure enjoyment. We…
Read MoreMixer Feedback Music: 1204FX Improvisation 2
WARNING: (every good post should begin with one!) Following any of the steps below to create feedback loops with mixers can harm your gear and more detrimentally, your ears. The results are often unpredictable and almost always extremely loud. The pulse waves created by these kinds of setups and heard in the recording below are…
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