Welcome to the home page for Scott Eric Petersen, composer, coder, computer improvisor, electronic musician, and Senior Lecturer at Yale University. Here you will find Scott's music, experiments, and thoughts on everything from sound to Linux configurations. If you want to be alerted when a new article or piece are published here, please click the Subscribe tab and enter your email address.
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Priority: Wallpaper
I hereby confess that the “niceties” of a functional lab image have never been my priority. Part of a unified look-and-feel for any computer are…
Read MoreNew Article: Pro Audio on Linux
Like many of you, I keep an eye on r/linuxaudio for announcements, software updates, and generally to try to help people new to Linux audio…
Read MoreBad Pipewire! Bad KDE Linux!
It’s the end of May, Spring is slowly giving way to Summer as the bees buzz around flowering trees and Pipewire is broken on KDE…
Read MoreMultichannel Audio Devices and Linux (not a love story)
Something has been bothering me for some time since moving to PipeWire on my Linux boxes, and that is the way multichannel audio devices are handled. As we all know (and loath), Linux audio is complicated and terrible, but the upshot is that it gives us a lot of control and the possibility of extremely low latency — critical to realtime audio recording, processing, programming, etc.
Read MoreTwo SuperCollider FM Synthesis Projects
I just posted my second SuperCollider FM Synthesis project to GitHub, a pedagogical extension of a great DX7 “clone” for the SuperCollider language. The project…
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