New Article: Pro Audio on Linux
Like many of you, I keep an eye on r/linuxaudio for announcements, software updates, and generally to try to help people new to Linux audio when I can. To that end, I took a few hours and put together an introduction to pro audio on Linux here. I decided to host it on GitHub rather than here because, well, it will probably get more traffic and that’s the point — trying to help those new to Linux understand what music production on Linux entails as well as how the audio stack works.
The post is written from a very high-level in order to appeal to those new to Linux, if not to electronic music production. Topics covered include the Linux audio stack, Linux music software, hardware considerations, and an outline for tuning a system for pro audio. There is also an Appendix with multiple sections that link to detailed, authoritative sources for all sorts of things.
Of course, I still have plenty of articles here on Linux Audio subjects 🙂