Casing the Casio SA2

There are a lot of sites/posts online with either audio or video of bent Casio SA2s. One site in specific has a lot of great, detailed information on the Casio series, and that is CasperElectronics‘s site.  In fact, his site should be required reading by anyone looking to learn anything about hardware hacking. That said,…

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El MuCo: Birth of The Growler!

Less than two weeks after the completion of  the JankoTunes (real name pending) Kane and Scacinto have finished the second El MuCo instrument!  Witness the birth of THE GROWLER!  In its previous life, The Growler was a PC Picture Phone: a pathetic and annoying toy whose only purpose was to entertain tiny people with underdeveloped…

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Maiden Voyage

On Saturday the 18th of July, the first El MuCo instrument was completed and taken for her maiden voyage. Enjoy some pics of the instrument and a sound clip of scacinto introducing her sonorous loveliness to the world (not for the first time, but for the first time as a complete and beautiful lady…)  Also…

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El MuCo: Custom JankoTUne (KidTunes) Post-Evisceration Construction

Once the PC Picture Phone and the KidTUnes were eviscerated and frankensteined back together in a manner more aesthetically pleasing to both eye and ear, it was time to re-house the KidTunes.  The aesthetic of painted toy plastic is nauseating to both Scacinto and Kane so a plexiglass housing with stainless (when possible) hardware was…

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El MuCo: Meeting Notes and Current Plan of Action

Members of El MuCo: The intricately lain plans of this evening are here reproduced in all their glory. But, for those who could not make the meeting, some interpretation may be necessary. Here follows some of the decisions arrived at in tonight’s meeting. 1) We’ve settled on a server-client model where the server is stupid…

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meeting on the 17th

Hello all: It has become apparent, because of concert schedules and holiday plans, Wednesday is the only day this week we can meet.  Lets aim for Wednesday at 5:15 at the Anchor Bar like the last meeting.  We will discuss the server structure in-depth and plan for the next meeting. -s

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