FNT III: Pics and Sound

Hey FNT fans, here are a few pictures and all of the recordings of everyone’s pieces from FNT III. Many thanks to all who attended and to all who made a piece. The tracks are even sweeter than I remember. Hopefully we will see you next month at FNT IV where Fritz Horstman will present…

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FNT III: The 68k Classic Clash

March 25th Be the first on your block to write a song for the Macintosh Classic II!!! Learn Super Studio Session!!! Have your music performed in public!!! Get your hands on a clicky single-button mouse!!! Drink beer!!! Bolster your geek cred!!! The keyboard!!!  Whoa!!! If you want all of the above I guarantee there is…

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Music of the Macintosh Classic ][

I recently came into possession of a 1992 Mac Classic II personal computer. How is a matter of top security, but I assure you it was legal. Over the course of several days, this machine went from DOA to fully functional computer music production facility. All despite lacking an ADB keyboard! That’s right, the sonic…

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