Experimental Musical Instrument Workshop @MakeHaven

Yesterday was the 2nd of what will now be three workshops I’m giving at MakeHaven hacker space in New Haven, CT. The first two focused on creating contact mics and designing and building acoustic instruments. The third workshop, TBA sometime in October, will center on basics of electronics and circuits, bending/hacking instruments, toys, household objects,…

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Experimental Musical Instrument Workshop @ MakeHaven

I am pleased to announce another experimental musical instrument workshop in New Haven, this time at MakeHaven (266 State Street New Haven CT.)  The event page is below.  From there you can RSVP if you are interested in coming! http://www.makehaven.org/event/experimental-musical-instrument-workshop-part-i Just in case you’re still not sold on the idea of whacky musical instruments, here’s…

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