Posts Tagged ‘synthesizer’
Running A University Linux-based Audio Lab: Part 3 — Software Installation in Detail
In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series I introduced Linux as a viable operating system for a university music and audio programming lab and described in some detail Linux audio configuration for low-latency audio applications. In this part I will walk through *most* of our post-install script in some detail so you have a better picture of the necessary configuration required. But first…
Read MoreState Inter State
Recorded improvisation: 19’23 Hardware Components: Scott Petersen/Ethan Bernard: Custom HEF4046BP audio feedback circuit Koma Elektronik: Field Kit FX Korg: Delay Monotron Technical description: This performance was accomplished through the slow rotation of a single potentiometer (one of six) that changed the internal feedback relationship between the three oscillators of the custom circuit. The knob was…
Read MoreNew Synth Jam
There’s a new OMI Synth Jam recording up here. Thanks to Mark for recording the sessions and uploading them! If you are interested in finding out about Synth Jams *before* they happen, hit the Subscribe tab and drop your email. You will only be alerted when new content is created or when a new event…
Read MorePractice
This will be a quick post about my recent practice making electronic and computer music. My creative process has always been… complicated. A contributing factor may be that I rarely reuse compositional systems or take on projects that closely resemble previous ones. I have diverse and varied interests so there’s always something pulling me away…
Read MoreModular Synth Components
Last night El MuCo (The Mutagenic Cooptoraptors) accomplished a feat heretofore unimaginable: three circuit projects were undertaken and three projects were completed successfully. While you may be tempted to think that, with the assistance of a book (Ray Wilson’s Analog Synthesizers) and the vast power of the internet this is not a big deal, you…
Read MoreVirtual Matrix Mixer (yes, in SuperCollider)
Kane and I recently dropped $170 at JameCo on potentiometers, switches, diodes, project boards, and more in anticipation of several MuCo projects we have been planning. The main project now after some op-amp FAIL last night (the FAIL being Mimms’s op-amp. Yes, there is a free version on the nets. No, we will not help…
Read Moreprophetic words…
Max Matthews from an interview in September, 1978 Could you look into your crystal ball and tell us what we can expect in this field during the next decade? One thing we can certainly expect is that computer instruments will become very cheap, very cheap compared to conventional instruments. As a result, I think we’re…
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