Two SuperCollider FM Synthesis Projects

I just posted my second SuperCollider FM Synthesis project to GitHub, a pedagogical extension of a great DX7 “clone” for the SuperCollider language. The project allows users to enter DX7 presets, by number, and generate usable SynthDefs (SuperCollider synthesis instrument definitions) and analysis that provides insight into the nature of the instrument configuration. My previous…

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State Inter State

Recorded improvisation: 19’23 Hardware Components: Scott Petersen/Ethan Bernard: Custom HEF4046BP audio feedback circuit Koma Elektronik: Field Kit FX Korg: Delay Monotron Technical description: This performance was accomplished through the slow rotation of a single potentiometer (one of six) that changed the internal feedback relationship between the three oscillators of the custom circuit. The knob was…

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Sculpting Gestural Space with Envelopes Part 1

Introduction Use of voltage control amplitude envelopes became standard in the 1960s after they were implemented by Moog on the evolving Moog Synthesizer (1964-1965). In the digital domain the envelope realizes its true potential as a variable function of change over time more akin to the use of lines (stochastic calculus, probability curves, ruled surface)…

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New Synth Jam

There’s a new OMI Synth Jam recording up here. Thanks to Mark for recording the sessions and uploading them! If you are interested in finding out about Synth Jams *before* they happen, hit the Subscribe tab and drop your email. You will only be alerted when new content is created or when a new event…

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This will be a quick post about my recent practice making electronic and computer music. My creative process has always been… complicated. A contributing factor may be that I rarely reuse compositional systems or take on projects that closely resemble previous ones. I have diverse and varied interests so there’s always something pulling me away…

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SuperCollider, Algorithms that Sound, Practicum

As I stare at the beginning of another Summer, this time with a toddler and a pandemic both raging nearby, I have set a few goals which I’m attempting to line up so they inform and help fulfill each other. First, don’t get COVID 19. Second, the rest. Here’s some of it. I will create…

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Fun with the Wien Bridge Oscillator

To the fledgling electronics enthusiast who has just enough knowledge of electronic music theory to be dangerous, it makes sense that the simplest tone, the sine tone, should be the simplest/easiest to construct in the analog electronics domain.  Of course, this is not the case.  While geometrically simple to describe, the sine tone is not…

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Modular Synth Components

Last night El MuCo (The Mutagenic Cooptoraptors) accomplished a feat heretofore unimaginable: three circuit projects were undertaken and three projects were completed successfully.  While you may be tempted to think that, with the assistance of a book (Ray Wilson’s Analog Synthesizers) and the vast power of the internet this is not a big deal, you…

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Intro to SuperCollider 3 for the Uninitiated

There are so many good tutorials, books, and websites out there for learning SuperCollider that one may scoff at “yet another…” SuperCollider intro and for good reason.  This article, however, aims to answer really basic questions at the absolute beginner level, questions such as “ok, but how do I get SuperCollider and what version do…

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New SuperCollider on (x)Ubuntu

My page on installing SC3.x on Ubuntu has been a popular page here at Because it was written 3+ years ago, and more importantly, because so much changed with the SC3.6 update I felt compelled to write up another tut. This time I’m installed 3.6.x on Xubuntu 13.10. The flavor of Ubuntu you choose…

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