SC3 – Code – Music – More
Sculpting Gestural Space with Envelopes Part 1
Introduction Use of voltage control amplitude envelopes became standard in the 1960s after they were implemented by Moog on the evolving Moog Synthesizer (1964-1965). In the digital domain the envelope realizes its true potential as a variable function of change over time more akin to the use of lines (stochastic calculus, probability curves, ruled surface)…
Read MorePractice
This will be a quick post about my recent practice making electronic and computer music. My creative process has always been… complicated. A contributing factor may be that I rarely reuse compositional systems or take on projects that closely resemble previous ones. I have diverse and varied interests so there’s always something pulling me away…
Read MoreIntro to SuperCollider 3 for the Uninitiated
There are so many good tutorials, books, and websites out there for learning SuperCollider that one may scoff at “yet another…” SuperCollider intro and for good reason. This article, however, aims to answer really basic questions at the absolute beginner level, questions such as “ok, but how do I get SuperCollider and what version do…
Read MoreNew SuperCollider on (x)Ubuntu
My page on installing SC3.x on Ubuntu has been a popular page here at Because it was written 3+ years ago, and more importantly, because so much changed with the SC3.6 update I felt compelled to write up another tut. This time I’m installed 3.6.x on Xubuntu 13.10. The flavor of Ubuntu you choose…
Read MoreAural Assault?!?
Hello all! Many apologies for my long absence – life happend between February and now and it sort of kicked my butt a little. By way of an apology, I would like to offer you a link to a new project I am doing: 375 Aural Assaults! You can check out the page for the…
Read More“The Record Player is Broken”
nov 2012 SuperCollider Code (executed in real-time.) I just finished a submission for the SCTweet-a-thon, this time being held at WOCMAT. (Please note that because of WordPress awesomeness (sarcasm… drip drip) the code below runs out of the visible area of the post. You can see if all clearly if you copy and past it…
Read MoreGearing Up
In anticipation of our upcoming performances March 12th and March 20th, we (MuCo) improvised a set tonight using our new patented MuCo Flouper® and recorded the sonic joy that resulted. Here, for your enjoyment, is the 35 minutes that occurred AS it occurred, recorded in Hi-Def audio and reproduced for you in stunning stereo! [soundcloud…
Read MoreSuperCollider On Ubuntu
[WARNING:] This page is sad and old and out-of-date. Please check out this new updated page with new updated instructions that are new and happy and up-to-date. The below information should be read out of historical curiosity only. Because getting SC3 to work on Linux seems to be a major source of sadness and unnecessary…
Read MoreFun with Feedback (and SuperCollider)
A couple of weeks ago I posted some audio and code examples of a software matrix mixer I made with SuperCollider. I thought a post going into some detail about feedback and how to code it may be of help to those new to the concept as a creative tool, or to using it within…
Read MoreVirtual Matrix Mixer (yes, in SuperCollider)
Kane and I recently dropped $170 at JameCo on potentiometers, switches, diodes, project boards, and more in anticipation of several MuCo projects we have been planning. The main project now after some op-amp FAIL last night (the FAIL being Mimms’s op-amp. Yes, there is a free version on the nets. No, we will not help…
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